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Multiple-choice questions

For each question, select the letter (A, B, C, or D) that corresponds to the correct answer. Note that only one answer is correct among the four options.


1.   Climate change governance addresses which of the following areas?

A.   mitigation only
B    adaptation only
C   both mitigation and adaptation
D.   conomic growth strategies

2.  What is the main purpose of the UNFCCC?

A.   promoting global economic growth
B.   addressing global poverty
C.   promoting opportunities and prompt action to address climate change
D.   establishing international trade agreements

3.  What does “COP” stand for in the context of climate change conferences?

A.    carbon offset programmes
b.    climate oversight panels
C.   Conference of Parties
D.   climate observation protocols

4.  What is the internationally recognised goal for limiting the increase in global average temperatures as stated in the Paris Agreement?

A.   3 degrees Celsius
B.   2 degrees Celsius
C.   1 degree Celsius
D.   1.5 degrees Celsius

5.  Why is the involvement of informal institutions important in climate change adaptation?

A.   Informal institutions can mobilise more funding and resources.
B.   Informal institutions are more efficient in information dissemination.
C.   Informal institutions can leverage traditional knowledge and practices.
D.   Informal institutions have better connections with international organisations.

6.  How do local institutions contribute to climate change adaptation and mitigation?

A.   by providing leadership and networking with other local institutions
B.   by gathering and disseminating information about climate change
C.   by allocating resources and mobilising funding for climate projects
D.   all of the above

7.   Which of the following activities are NOT carried out by local institutions in the context of climate change?

A.   capacity building and skills development
B.   providing leadership and decision making at the national level
C.   networking with other decision makers and institutions
D.   resource mobilisation and allocation

8.  Which statement is true about the role of local institutions in climate change adaptation?

A.   local institutions have no influence on policy makers at the national level.
B.   Local institutions act as intermediaries for external interventions that reinforce existing adaptation practices.
C.   Local institutions do not shape the impact of climate change on communities.
D.   Local institutions discourage communities from responding to climate change.

9.  What role do local institutions play in shaping the way communities respond to climate change?

A.   They provide external support and funding for climate change projects.
B.   They make arrangements to reduce the effects of climate change on livelihoods.
C.   They act as intermediaries for external support to adaptation.
D.   They reinforce existing adaptation practices.

10.  Which organisation is a global network of environmental NGOs, with regional hubs in different parts of the world?

A.   Climate Collaborative
B.   Climate Group
C.   Climate Cardinals
D.   Climate Action Network


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Climate Change and Its Impacts: Adaptation, Mitigation, and Climate Justice Copyright © 2024 by Commonwealth of Learning (COL) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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