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Policy formulations for climate change adaptation and mitigation

Policy formulations for climate change adaptation and mitigation should be generated through the following steps:

  • Incorporating a Climate Lens: Embed a “climate lens” approach in the formulation of national visions, strategies, and policies. Evaluate how climate change risks and opportunities might impact the effectiveness and longevity of the proposed policies.
  • Vulnerability Assessment: Conduct thorough assessments to identify potential vulnerabilities of policies, strategies, and regulations to climate variability and change. This includes considering how climate impacts could undermine the intended outcomes of these policies.
  • Climate Risk Integration: Ensure that climate change risks are explicitly considered during the formulation of new programmes and policies. This integration helps avoid increasing vulnerability or missing out on potential opportunities arising from climate change.
  • Climate-Proofing Existing Plans: For existing policies, strategies, regulations, or plans that are being revised, assess how they might be adapted to address climate risks and opportunities. This involves revising and amending these documents to better align with changing climate conditions.
  • Long-Term Development Goals: Align climate change adaptation and mitigation actions with longer-term development goals, such as poverty reduction and sustainable development. Integration at the policy level ensures consistency across objectives.
  • Cross-Sectoral Co-ordination: Facilitate co-ordination and collaboration between sectors to ensure that climate considerations are integrated across policies. Cross-sectoral alignment reduces conflicts and maximises synergies.
  • Multi-Stakeholder Engagement: Involve a wide range of stakeholders — including government agencies, civil society, private sector, and local communities — in the policy formulation process. Diverse perspectives lead to more comprehensive and effective policies.
  • Climate-Compatible Strategies: Develop strategies that promote low-emission development pathways compatible with global climate objectives, such as those outlined in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement.
  • Adaptive Management Approach: Embrace an adaptive management approach to policy formulation, allowing for flexibility and adjustments in response to changing climate conditions, emerging knowledge, and evolving societal needs.
  • Capacity Building and Awareness: Invest in building the capacity of government agencies, institutions, and stakeholders involved in policy formulation. Raise awareness about the importance of integrating climate change adaptation and mitigation considerations into policies and plans.


Activity 5.4. With two clear examples, show how policy can support planning for climate change adaptation and mitigation.


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Climate Change and Its Impacts: Adaptation, Mitigation, and Climate Justice Copyright © 2024 by Commonwealth of Learning (COL) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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