Engaging communities in climate action, campaigns and policy advocacy at the local level
Communities that are vulnerable to the impacts of climate change can take action to mitigate and adapt to those impacts. In other words, they can be part of the solution. Participatory models can support long-term resilience building, and community collectives at the local level have been found to strengthen local action among farmers’ groups, women’s groups and cooperatives around produce such as milk, farm-based products, etc. and farmer producer companies. Such collectives can support the adoption of climate-resilient practices and innovation, and they can create a demand for climate-resilient measures, inclusion of gender perspectives, financial support, access to markets and fair pricing. When people work as a group, they are in a good position to negotiate, learn from each other and withstand the impacts of climate change. They can test innovations and provide insights into local adaptation needs for policymakers. Taking a community-based approach to dealing with climate change would involve strengthening such collectives.
Why are campaigns and policy advocacy at a local level important?
While there are policies that provide for climate-resilient interventions, there are noticeable gaps in their implementation locally. Communities need information about climate-smart measures, technologies that can be used to mitigate and deal with the impacts of climate change, access to insurance and other financial mechanisms, markets, etc. Poverty, illiteracy and lack of local leadership often impede communities from taking advantage of the options available. Also, community participation and engagement — especially among women and youth from poorer sections of the community — are often inadequate when programmes are implemented. Community-based policy advocacy is critical to help local community groups access both a level-playing field and a place at the table where decisions that affect them directly are made.
Campaigns and policy advocacy are crucial tools to provoke behaviour change among stakeholders, from community members to policymakers. Here are some examples of advocacy:
- Making the community’s demands known to the relevant authorities.
- Holding demonstrations, strikes and rallies.
- Performing street plays and using mass media — including radio, television, news channels and social media — to express the community’s requirements.
- Using platforms such as community gatherings and events to set up exhibitions, installations and other creative forms of expression to bring attention to an issue and raise awareness of it among the larger community and gather support for the cause.

Youth are increasingly engaged in community action to address climate change and its impacts. For example, YOUNGO conducts local-level COPs each year to enable youth from various countries to have a voice at the international COPs. The Maharashtra Youth Climate Action Network (MYCA), set up by UNICEF and CEE in India’s western state of Maharashtra, involves rural youth in advocacy on climate action. The youth are encouraged to change their individual behaviours and to influence changes in decision-making at the local governance level.
Young influencers are making an impact by sharing their stories about actions that have been taken.
Note it!
- Have clear goals when you are planning a communication campaign for advocacy.
- Ensure that there is follow-up after the campaign is over.
- Continue building momentum after the campaign is over.
Formative assessment: 4.2
How can communities engage in campaigns and policy advocacy? What steps should they take?
Here are some ideas for ways that communities can engage in campaigns and policy advocacy:
- Keep track of what is happening globally and locally to develop insight and deepen understanding of how various issues and events are connected to climate change.
- Engage in local decision-making on water-, agriculture- and energy-related schemes.
- Learn about climate-resilient techniques that are relevant and applicable in your area.
- Create a list of demands and advisories for government — and send them to the relevant authorities.
- Develop a communication strategy to identify the message and media that the community will use for advocacy. Use this strategy to carry out outreach activities.
While policy advocacy provides an effective way for a community to come together, community members must change their own behaviours to ensure lifelong change. Here are some examples of behaviour changes:
- Farmers stop using chemical fertilisers and pesticides and instead opt for natural and organic options.
- Fishing communities practise sustainable fishing practices such as avoiding overharvesting.
- Water conservation is prioritised as part of the village development planning process.
- Renewable energy options for pumping water and drying local produce are tried out.
- Communities practise improved hygiene and follow health advisories.