Multiple choice questions: 5
1. Which of the following statements does not give an example of community resilience to mitigate the impacts of climate change?
A. Fishermen are only allowed to fish during open seasons as defined by government authorities.
B. Traditional communities grow exotic and non-native plant species.
C. Villagers use manure from the animal waste generated from cattle and poultry farms.
D. Grassroots organisations help local communities to organise themselves and seek assistance from government to mitigate the impacts of climate change.
2. Which of the following definitions does not explain the expression “climate resilience”?
A. Adaptation and coping strategies
B. Having a low-carbon lifestyle
C. Learning from past experiences
D. Communities and households are not organised to work together
3. Society — for example, a local or traditional community, members of a household or a whole village — plays an important role in mitigating the impacts of climate change.
True or false?