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Multiple choice questions: 2


1.   Which of the following statements does not describe an innovation that is climate-responsive?

A.   National policy to manufacture cars that run on petrol
B.   Using rain-fed irrigation system for agriculture
C.   Planting crops that are drought-resistant
D.   Engaging in eco-tourism as an alternative livelihood

2.   Choose the word that best describes an innovation that is working well.

A. Expensive
B. Synthetic
C. Efficient
D. Fragile

3.   Enabling policies that support climate-resilient livelihoods also contribute to innovation at a local level.

True or false?



Think about what livelihoods are currently impacted by climate change in your village or household.


Group activity

Formative assessment 2: 

In this group activity, the group leader assigns different tasks to the group members. This activity can be carried out at the village level or in the immediate vicinity of where the group members live.

  1. Identify and list the natural resources found locally — for example, plant and timber species, availability of water (including streams and waterlogged areas), types of soil and their conditions (dry, fertile, hill slopes, ponds to rear fish or ducks, natural landscapes) — and heritage or historical feature that would interest eco-tourists.
  2. Discuss with local government representatives and village leaders potential opportunities to innovate — for example, installing a machine or device to make a process or processes more efficient; introducing new products such as new fruit or vegetable varieties; or providing a new service to wrap and package locally produced goods (in this example, girls and women could be involved in packaging and post-harvest activities).



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Using Innovations and Climate-Responsive Actions to Build Community Resilience Copyright © by Commonwealth of Learning (COL) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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