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IN BRIEF: COL President at international events

presentation cover for "building workforce resilience in disruptive times" ”Building Workforce Resilience in Disruptive Times.“ Video presentation co-written with Robert Okinda, COL Adviser: Skills, to the 6th International Conference on TVET in the Caribbean.

presentation cover for "rethinking education for innovation, growth and sustainability post Covid-19" ”Rethinking Education for Innovation, Growth and Sustainability Post Covid-19.“ Video presentation to the Commonwealth Education Ministerial Action Group.

presentation cover for "reshaping lifelong learning for all" ”Reshaping Lifelong Learning for All.“  Keynote address at the International Seminar on Digital Transformation Reshaping Lifelong Learning for All, Shanghai Open University.

 presentation cover for "roundtable on building resilience" ”Roundtable on Building Resilience.“  At the Conference of Pacific Education Ministers, Auckland, Aotearoa/New Zealand.

presentation cover of "technology-enabled learning (TEL) launching of phase 2" ”Technology-Enabled Learning (TEL) –Launching of Phase 2.“ Keynote address at the Higher Education Commission, Mauritius.

presentation cover of "putting innovation at the heart of ODL: what are the possibilities?" “Putting Innovation at the Heart of ODL:  What Are the Possibilities?” Keynote address at the International Conference on Open and Innovative Education, Hong Kong Metropolitan University.


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Connections (vol. 28, no. 2) Copyright © 2023 by Commonwealth of Learning is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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