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ODL and OER development in Zambia

Group photograph of participants of open and distance learning (ODL) standards and guidelines workshop in Zambia.

COL is working with Zambia’s Higher Education Authority (HEA) to evaluate minimum standards and their quality assurance system. COL recently met with key partners in Zambia to facilitate a workshop for the HEA on open and distance learning (ODL) standards and guidelines, as well as open educational resources (OER). COL is also supporting ODL policy development and implementation, including capacity building on ODL and OER.

The first phase of the project commenced with a workshop in October 2023 for HEA staff and representatives from higher education institutions in Zambia, attended by the Minister of Education, the Honourable Mr Douglas Munsaka Syakalima, to share details about COL’s ongoing support for and interactions with national structures and different institutions in the country.


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Connections (vol 28, no 3) Copyright © 2023 by Commonwealth of Learning is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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