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1 Bring Your Own Device


Brief Introduction

Hello Friends. In our last week, we discussed various concepts for better understanding and maintenance of e-Extension in practice. In this week we will be focusing on the issues, which are the means of achieving e-Extension. The first such topic that we will be taking up in this week is Bring Your Own Device or BYOD concept.

What is this BYOD?

  • BYOD is basically a device. A “device” is defined as a privately owned laptop, tablet, computing device, notebook, netbook, e-reader, iPad, iPod Touch, or a smartphone. All these instruments which are owned by an individual are known as privately owned devices

Basically Intel Corporation which is an American company, which manufactures semiconductor chips observed that the employees of that organization are bringing their own devices and they are using the networks of the company. And they are giving the products as well as the services to the company. Under such circumstances when the company started observing these things, so then the company started thinking that; why should we provide the devices to the employees.

If they are given certain financial assistance and the choice to them, so that they can have their own device and the production as well as the productivity of the organization can be enhanced. With this idea the concept of BYOD came into existence.


So why we can choose the Bring Your Own Device concept. The reasons behind include.

  • The current generation that what are we are dealing with, and the generation what we are expecting. So they are identified as the digital natives. So they have many options with them. Because they are digital natives, they know number of technologies, they can operate number of devices, as well as they can make the productive use of that. So that is how a choice should be given to the end-user, so that he can come out with more number of technical, technological as well as the production aspects.
  • Then students should understand, when and how to use these tools that are appropriately, collectively. And are imperative in each student’s education. So under such circumstances, now again the onus lies with the learner or a student. So that he can make a better choice for his own learning purpose.
  • Then learning environment where technology is a part of us. So we are not a part of the technology. So that is why we need the concept of BYOD.

So this particular concept is having a three fold impact. What is that?

The first one says that it increases the amount of devices that can be used for enhancing learning purpose. So when you have a number of technical as well as technological options. Obviously learning of the interested learners is going to be doubled.

Then secondly it avoids unnecessary spending on hardware resources by the organization, incase of this production organization or as a student you can have the best possible choice.

Then the third impact includes. It avoids doubling and sometimes tripling up on the devices. And where the computer is redundant for much of the day, because it is hidden in your pocket. So that you can make the best use of the device which is of your choice.

Why BYOD – Future Demand

Now future demands of BYOD include.

  • The younger generation is entering a world, that is looking for abilities far different from the traditional. So that is why we should give them the option of BYOD, looking into the new generation.
  • Then the second reason is, institutions want them to be able to collect, synthesize and analyze information, and work in collaboration with others to apply that particular knowledge. Hence the choice should be with the learners or the employees. So that they can give the better results.
  • And the third reason is, professionals need to learn, how to learn. So how to learn is more important. Because he is aware that yes he should learn. But how he is going to learn; so for that particular purpose there should be number of choices. To respond to the constantly changing technologies and social as well as global changes in the world. To make himself adaptable to these changing situations, BYOD is an essential issue.

BYOD Program Goals

Then the BYOD program have the following goals.

  • The first one is, it increases employee’s productivity through mobility. Because the choice is with the employee or the student
  • Then they drive employee satisfaction and retention. Because the option that the employee had, so they were exercised with, so that is why enjoys more satisfaction in case of BYOD, rather than the providing him the devices by the organization itself.
  • It reduces security threats from employees, using their own devices. Now the organization as a whole need not worry about the issues related to security, because the employee himself is responsible for the content he is generating and he is making use of.
  • Then it reduces device management and procurement time as well as cost for the organization, because the employee has his own choice with him.
  • Then it reduces the time and cost associated with the support calls related to the management and the sustenance of the devices.
  • Then it simplifies the employee and the contractor on boarding.

So these are some of the goals with which the BYOD concept is being brought in.

BYOD Program Considerations

Then the BYOD program considerations include.

  • Eligibility: Number one is, it is eligibility. Who are eligible to being given that freedom of Bring Your Own Device. So they are searching for a particular set of qualities in an employee. So which users will have this particular access. So those who are technology savvy, who can make this better choice with them. So only such employees will be eligible
  • Devices: So which are the devices that they are going to allow for this Bring Your Own Device concept.
  • Apps and Data: Then apps and data that are essential for the purpose with which that he is employed.
  • Support: Then what kind of support that he can give to the organization, as well as he can support his own work.
  • Services: Then what kind of services that an employee can give to the organization. And the Information Technology offers to the organization.
  • Financial: Then what are the financial considerations. What is the cost of the model? And what is the cost of that approach? Whether it is costing the company or the institution which is adopting this thing.
  • Legal: And what are the legal considerations of adopting BYOD.

So these are some of the issues before we exactly adopt BYOD, need to be considered.

BYOD Rationale

Then coming to the rationale. So the logical reasoning behind the acceptance of the concept of BYOD.

  • Choice: the first rationale is the choice. Learners are diverse in nature, because they may be socially, economically, technologically, then learning ability wise. There are number of considerations that we keep on coming across. Then the learning styles and preferences of each and every individual vary. So it varies from individual to individual, hence the learner have an opportunity to choose the devices as well as applications which are suitable to him. So that’s what is the first rationale, we discussed about; the choice.
  • Anywhere/Anytime: then the second thing is the anywhere and anytime. So if the organization provides him the instruments or the devices. So there is a binding that he cannot take it to the home or any other places. But the moment he started having his own devices, so he has that particular choice, so that is why that is what is the meaning of anywhere and anytime.
  • Personalized: then it is highly personalized in nature, because the owner of the device is the individual who is responsible for this. Then with own devices he can have number of tools, shortcuts, widgets, add-ons etc etc. So that strengthens his working ability, so that’s what is another rationale that we are trying to put before the BYOD.
  • Preparing for the future: then he is preparing for the future. Exposure to BYOD environments at intermediate, college, university will help the learners to develop the skills which are required for the future. So that he or she is getting himself or herself prepared for the next generation of activities at this stage itself.
  • Flexible Learning: then flexible learning is another rationale that we come across. The nature of learning is changing over a period of time. Then it creates the flexible learning environment that facilitate collaborative and individual learning. So that is why we need to adopt the concept of BYOD.
  • Digital Fluency: and it is going to influence the digital fluency also. So how fluent you are in making use of this particular technology, because he is going to be well versed with these processes the moment he has his own devices.

Which mobile devices are allowed?

So if you look into the Internet enabled devices which are suitable for the BYOD include. There is a list, so which we can say that it is

  1. iPod Touch
  2. iPad
  3. smartphone
  4. laptops
  5. netbooks
  6. as well as e-Readers

are the suitable devices for this BYOD concept.

And “What are the benefits of employee owned devices”? Because now the responsibility is shifting from the organization to the individual.

  1. Number one benefit is the satisfaction of the employee. So in a survey that was conducted, more than 57% said that employee satisfaction is very very important. And that is what is the first thing.
  2. Then it is going to influence the productivity aspect. Means the organization is going to be benefited out of this concept,
  3. As well as it provides mobility to the employee and
  4. As well as lot of flexibility is there.

So these are some of the better features of this.

Feedback from Survey

The feedback from the survey of the institutions which are adopting this BYOD concept include

Business Drivers of BYOD

The business driver of BYOD are

  1. Reducing the cost while increasing the productivity. So this is what is the feedback of the people who are adopting this mechanism, which revealed.
  2. Then it improves the business continuity for that particular organization.
  3. It encourages flexible working environments
  4. Then it keeps the staff happy, because the choice lies with them.
  5. The desire to consumerize information technology is another business driver of the BYOD

Employee Drivers of BYOD

The employee drivers of BYOD include

  1. No need for two devices. One instrument at home and another at office. Because with the common set of devices that the employee can work.
  2. Then no training is needed. No additional training is necessary for this.
  3. Then get to choose their own device rather than being told to use the specific “company device”. Because they are getting freedom from this particular aspect.

Upsides of the BYOD

The upsides of the BYOD include.

  1. The increase in the learner as well as the employee productivity.
  2. Increase in morale of learner as well as employee
  3. And more convenient to the learner and the employee
  4. And the reduced financial burden on the institution.

So these are the positive aspects of BYOD

Downsides of BYOD

And at the same time, so there are some concerns also, which we can call that. So over a period of time this may limit the use of the concept of BYOD.

  1. Number one is the risk of security of information. Because every organization has a particular mandate, with which that it is working. So under such circumstances when the employee is carrying these devices to their home and to his personal places. So then the data of the organization and the security issues associated with that are at risk.
  2. Then the second downside of the BYOD is the risk of the theft of data of the company. So this is what is another concern that the organizations are having.
  3. The third concern is since the personal devices are shared by the family members, maybe knowingly or unknowingly. So the data can be breached at any point of time. So this is another concern.
  4. There may be the cases of cyber-harassment or similar kind of things, specially in the new media or the social media. The data can enter into any of these channels. So that’s what is another concern.
  5. Then learners should understand what to be shared and what not, before adopting the new devices on a large scale.

So these are some of the concerning factors as far as the adoption of the BYOD is considered.


To conclude, we can say that the proliferation of the devices such as the tablet and the smartphones which are now used by many people in their daily lives has led to a number of institutions to allow the learners as well as their employees to bring their own devices to the work due to perceived productivity gains as well as the cost savings. Ultimately the organization is having the benefit provided we take care of the security as well as the data related issues by the organization as well as the individual who is making use of these devices is also equally responsible in maintaining the secrecy related to the organization, because it is going to benefit him in the long run.

So this is all about the concept of Bring Your Own Device. We can adopt such mechanism in case of extension services also. Extension professionals being the service providers. So they can make use of this concept in delivering the extension services. In the next discussion we will be taking up the concept of blogs and how the blogs can be used for delivering extension services.

Thank You.



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