Gender equality
Gender equality refers to equal access for both women and men to resources, opportunities, benefits and participation in decision-making at the household, community and national levels. It is regarded as a fundamental human right which is the foundation of a sustainable world.
Worldwide there is inequality. More men participate in the labour force and earn a wage, which often means they are seen as more important than women. In many instances, what women do in the home is not considered as work but as a natural part of life. Today, many women also work outside the home, many in lower-paying jobs, but are still expected to take care of the house, the children and people who are sick or elderly. Many women are therefore over-burdened or overworked compared to men. Women who are over-burdened find it difficult to take advantage of other opportunities, such as education and income-earning jobs, and so they tend to remain poorer than men.
Women represent a high percentage of people in poor communities. In rural, agricultural communities, women and men are highly dependent on local, natural resources for their livelihood — in fact, these are often their sole sources of food and income. In addition, women shoulder the major responsibility for supplying the household with water, energy for cooking and heating, and regular, nutritious and affordable food. In the field, they are mainly responsible for the more time-consuming and labour-intensive tasks that are carried out manually or with non-mechanised tools. Women are mainly engaged in subsistence farming, particularly horticulture, poultry and raising small livestock for home consumption.
Note it!
To achieve the goal of gender equality, some people may have to receive extra-special resources and assistance based on their circumstances. Achieving gender equality involves working to change attitudes in our homes, communities and the wider society. Changes involve reducing women’s workload and increasing their decision-making powers.
Watch the video Understand Goal 5: Gender Equality by Participate Inc.
The teacher/facilitator will ask you whether you agree with the contents.
Gender equity is about everyone getting what they need in order to improve the quality of their situation and becoming equal. Gender equality requires gender equity treatments. Equity involves providing women with access to inputs, resources, education, job opportunities and healthcare services that are specifically designed to meet their gender-specific needs and reduce their time burdens. Equity does not mean that everybody gets the same thing. Achieving gender equity involves creating awareness of the impact of gender and the negative effects of inequality.
Gender equity is therefore concerned with dealing with people and their communities and providing them with opportunities, benefits and resources as needed in order to level the playing field and create equal outcomes for all.

Study the illustration above and identify the differences between the left-hand and right-hand panels.
Ways to promote gender equality
In the home, chores should not be allocated based on gender. Anyone can be responsible for inside duties such as washing dishes and cleaning the rooms. Similarly, outdoor duties can be divided equally. In schools, girls should be encouraged to select subjects such as science, technology, engineering and mathematics (also known as the STEM subjects). Once certified in a particular field, everyone should have the same opportunities to be hired and should receive equal pay for equal effort. Wherever possible, action should be taken to reduce the burdens facing women and provide social services to help them care for the family. In communities, women must be allowed to participate in all levels of decision-making. In agriculture, women should be given access to inputs, finance, water, energy, equipment, extension services and appropriate infrastructure.
When women have equal opportunities, resources and ability to participate in decision-making and economic activities, they can contribute to climate change mitigation and community resiliency.
Think back to the Equality vs Equity illustration. Identify three ways to promote gender equality or change attitudes towards women in your community or workplace.
Alternatively, the facilitator/teacher may ask participants to each identify one activity to promote gender equity or change beliefs about women.