3 Luteal Cyst Signs
Greetings to all!
We are going to discuss in the next lesson 3 on Signs and symptoms of the luteal cyst, Diagnosis. Before that, in the last class, we dealt with Ultrasonographic images of normal ovarian structures, Classification of cystic ovaries, Mechanism of cyst formation due to the Extrinsic factors and Intrinsic factors, signs, and symptoms, Nymphomania, Sterility hump, Adrenal Virilism, Mucometra, and Hydrometra even formation of Pyometra. In this class, we are going to discuss the Signs and Symptoms of the luteal cyst and the Diagnosis of Cystic Ovarian degeneration. Signs and Symptoms of Luteal Cyst: that is affected animals are always having Prolonged anestrous periods and also Erratic changes in milk production. Surprisingly those animals may have higher milk production on that particular day, within a few days it may be reduced few liters also, so the fluctuation of milk production may be absorbed in those cases. Nervous tension is always absorbed. Disturbed with feeding and rumination, Progressive emaciation is noticed in those animals particularly in farm conditions. Either a Follicular cyst or Luteal cyst, one cow may be affected, all the cows may have a reduction in body weight due to the affected cow being involved in that. That is always agitating all the animals, so the remaining animals may not be able to graze normally.
The diagnosis based on History and Clinical signs: The first one is Follicular cyst- those cases already we discussed Relaxation of vulva and perineum is absorbed, Nymphomania is commonly observed in the follicular cyst, The irregular estrous cycle that may be a short cycle or frequent estrous or long cycle may be absorbed in the follicular cyst, Sterility hump is noticed in follicular cysts, and also at the time of examination we can absorb Tougher, more tenacious, and opaque vaginal mucus with a mucopurulent appearance discharge, and these animals always have High milk yield, and Adrenal virilism is also observed in those cases. But in the case of Luteal cyst- always having Prolonged anestrous opposite to Follicular cyst, Follicular cyst that may have an irregular estrous cycle, here it may have prolonged anestrous period, and Erratic changes in milk production, Rough dry hair coat, Nervous tension, Disturbed feeding and rumination, and Progressive emaciation are the common Clinical Signs observed in the luteal system.
The diagnosis based on the Rectal Examination: First is Follicular cyst- External os of the cervix is usually larger in size and highly relaxed, The uterus is Turgid and doughy in consistency, Single or multiple follicles may be absorbed, the multiple follicles are more commonly observed than a single cyst, and Enlarged, thin-walled fluid filled follicular structures are observed, and Voluminous cervical discharge may be observed especially during examination it is confirmed, Chronic cases accumulation of mucus with the debris is also, this debris may be accumulated in the part of the cervix. Then in the case of Luteal cyst – rectal examination revealed It is a single cyst mostly most of the time it is a presence of a single cyst, The enlarged ovary is observed more than lemon size, Thick-walled structure, Flaccid uterine horns, and A closed cervix is always observed.
The diagnosis based on the Ultrasonographic Examination: In Follicular cyst The fluid-filled cavity that is the Anechoic area is observed by ultrasonographic examination, The Diameter of the follicle is about >2.5 cm, The Follicular wall thickness is, this is (showing picture) the follicular wall thickness, which is about less than <3mmin diameter, and also Swiss cheese appearance is noticed in chronic follicular cyst cases. In the case of Luteal cystIt is always single in nature, and Enlarged ovaries observed, the size of the ovary is enlarged but at the time of examination the part of the cyst is palpable because the remaining cyst may be embedded in nature, and then A thick-walled structure is observed, here the thick-walled means that the follicular wall layer is always >3 mm in diameter, Always the uterine, uterus, and uterine horns are Flaccid in nature, The Cervix is always closed.
The diagnosis based on the Progesterone Concentration: In the Follicular cyst – The Serum Progesterone Concentration is less than one nanogram per ml (Serum P4< 1ng/ml) and Serum Estrogen concentration is approximate that range is about 10 to 13.3 picogram per ml (Serum E2:10-13.3 pg/ml) In the case of Luteal cyst[1]Serum Progesterone Concentration is more than one nanogram per ml (Serum P4 >1ng/ml) and Serum Estrogen Concentration always less than 10 picograms per ml (Serum E2< 10 pm/ml) is observed. Based on the Rectal examination, based on Ultrasonographic examination, based on Progesterone Concentration examination, we can find out whether it is a Follicular cyst or Luteal cyst.
The next one is Prognosis: As far as this is concerned, in most cases, recovery is not assured, until the cows are pregnant. More number of Treatments are required in some cases; Suppose the earlier diagnosis is made better Prognosis is there, and Minimum number of cysts are there in either one of the ovaries or both the ovaries better Prognosis, Single ovarian follicular cyst always better Prognosis, Hereditary causes better Prognosis may be there but some of the cases spontaneous recovery, If the presence of daughters may have this same condition it may be culled the Prognosis is very poor, the incidence of a daughter with cystic ovaries are highly poor, Severe cystic degeneration of endometrium and atrophy of the uterus in hydrometra and mucometra, the Prognosis is always poor, Rare cases of much-cervix are also there these types of cases the pregnancy may not be able to maintain because the cervix is the gateway of the uterus, it may not be able to prevent the infection, so the Prognosis is poor.
So far we discussed Signs and Symptoms of Luteal cyst, Diagnosis comprises of History Clinical signs, Rectal examination, Ultrasound examination, Serum progesterone concentration, Prognosis. So remaining parts will be discussed in the next class.
Thank you!