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5 Prevention of Endometritis and Summary


Last session in this series of lessons about Endometritis. All along in this series, we have seen the basics of the Types and Incidences, the Causative factors, the Etiology and Pathogenesis, the Diagnosis of the clinical conditions, clinical signs and we have also seen the Therapeutic approach to treat the sub-clinical and endometritis. In this session, we can see a little bit about the preventive measures. We can take to prevent the incidence or occurrence of uterine infections. Cows with clinical endometritis were 1.7 times more likely to be culled for reproductive failure, than cows without endometriosis. This shows the seriousness of the condition, even though we see that it is only infection but the incidence of culling because of this condition is very wide. Good management practices in the transition period i.e., the prepartum and postpartum period can minimize or even avoid cow uterine infections and prevent the prevalence of endometritis disease. So transition co-management is one of the important factors in preventing uterine infections.

So Major risk factors that are going to affect this transition period that is the pre-parturition and the postpartum period.

Periparturian period:

First is Hygiene, it may be animal hygiene or environmental hygiene,

The second one is, the Immune status of the animal in general, and

The third one is, the Nutrition and Metabolic status,

sometimes all these three factors are intermingled but anyway we are going to see one by one. The Hygiene, it’s very clear or well known that the very hygiene environment will be free of pathogens or reduced pathogens so that the animals are not being affected. So, paying attention to the hygiene of the cattle accommodation and calving facilities will pay dividends in terms of cleaner surfaces and less contamination for animals. So, this is very important the housing and management of the drainage everything will take care of this hygiene of the environment as well as the animal.

Immuno modulation is one of the important terms and has a very big role in preventing or controlling uterine infections. Understanding of uterine microbiome has created opportunities for the development of preventive measures to improve the management of uterine diseases. Avoidance of endometriosis depends on how effective the integrated process of adaptive events like well-regulated immune response is at limiting the burden of effects of bacterial pathogens.

So in that way animals defend themselves against pathogens using two important mechanisms is Tolerance and another one is Resistance.

What is Tolerance?

The Tolerance of the animal is the ability to limit the disease severity induced by a given pathogen burden and Resistance is the ability of the animal to limit the pathogen burden through the development of immunity. So, this Tolerance and Resistance are important factors in the immune status of the animal. Metabolic stress associated with the transition period and lactation compromise both Tolerance and Resistance. So only there is a problem in the Incidence of uterine infections. When we say about the Metabolic status: Negative energy balance favors the development of metabolic disorder this is a very basic one. What is the negative energy balance? How it can be affecting the Metabolic disorder? What are the major Metabolic disorders?



High non-esterified fatty acids and


These are all important metabolic disorders in the postpartum period, during the transition period, which can increase the risk factors for Endometritis by 10 folds. So, it is having very big impact on the uterine defense mechanisms, as well as the incidence of Endometritis.

We have to concentrate on the Nutrition of the transition cow is very important because poor nutritional management of dairy cows during this transition period leads to metabolic disorders. The deficiency of micronutrients such as Selenium and Vitamin E can suppress immunity. So, the formulation of the appropriate diet during the transition and lactation period is important for reducing the incidence of metabolic disorders nutrition has to be concentrated during the pre-parturient period, parturient period as well as post parturient period because there will be a lot of metabolic changes in the animal, based on the parturient status of the animal.

The next very important one you have to deal with is the Handling of Parturient Disorders: It is always known that the uterus is bestowed with powerful systems of natural repair and recovery, provided if it is undisturbed. In the case of normal parturition, without handling the incidence of uterine infections, is very much reduced, so that shows that if there is any indiscriminate handling then that paves the way for the infection of the uterus, especially during dystopia we have seen it in the training also the normal Dystocia (we have seen it in the twinning also, the normal Dystocia). If it is a prolonged case, we have to handle more, in such conditions, there are a lot of chances of breaching the uterine environment and allowing the entry for the invasion of the pathogen that will lead to endometriosis. One more reason is with handling the retention of the placenta, so nowadays we are telling that there is no need to handle match or manipulate intrauterine for removing the placenta. It is one of the reasons to prevent the unwanted invasion of uterine pathogens. so, you could see in field conditions sometimes they are trying a lot of weights some stones or blocks or whatever the thing to remove. These are all very indiscriminate practices that will lead to further consequences and sometimes for infertility or sterility, so to be very careful unnecessary manipulation either per vaginum or per rectum and indiscriminate dosing of drugs should be discouraged to facilitate the uterus to experience the natural process of repair and recovery leading to better postpartum reproductive functions. It is being proved actually. So, the best current advice for the prevention of uterine infection is to provide a better environment to optimize animal nutrition and management and to handle parturient disorders judiciously in order to increase the tolerance of the parturient and postpartum animals so that they are better able to limit the impact of uterine pathogens without developing the uterine disease.

We all know that there’s a lot of multifactorial facts, a lot of factors, right from the LPS Lipopolysaccharides or the ROS, negative energy balance, everything put together makes the animal into an infertile condition in the postpartum period. So, the best preventive measures during the parturient period will prevent the occurrence of uterine infections definitely.

In a conclusion, we can say that the proper understanding of endometritis like the various Degrees of affection, the Causative factors for the infection, the Effect on fertility, Selection of appropriate therapy, and adopting preventive measures will reduce the incidence of endometritis and it will ensure the improvement in Fertility among the dairy cattle. So we have seen Endometritis in detail. About the types of Incidences, the Causative factors the diagnosis Therapeutic approach as well as the Preventive measures for controlling the Endometriosis condition.

I hope the lessons will be useful for you and you can apply them in the field conditions to contact us for any queries in the future.

Thank you all, see you again in some other sessions.

Thank you!



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