5 True Anestrum Diagnosis and Treatment-prevention Summary
Hi! Friends greetings,
In the last session, we have been discussing what is True Anestrum, what are all the contributing factors for True Anestrum, and what are all the types of True Anestrum. In which we have seen Physiological, Congenital and Pathological. In continuing, we will be discussing today on the Diagnosis of True Anestrum, like in the case of False Anestrum, the same measures only, one is History, Clinical signs, Rectal examination, and Ultrasonography examination.
History: So, based on the information provided by the farmer, the failure of displaying the overt signs of estrum, will be briefed by the farmer to the veterinarian, which will be the first thing in Diagnosing or suspecting the animal could be in Anestrum. The second thing is Rectal examination, as I said earlier Rectal examination is the primary and fundamental procedure, for all the veterinarians should know about it for the gynecological examination. By means of performing Rectal examination, you could able to find either small and smooth ovaries in buffaloes, which is almost spindle-shaped and it should be confirmed by repeated examination at 10 days interval, the reason is, when you are examining the animal by Rectal examination, you could be able to find an ovary, it may be in any stage. For example, there may be a regressing corpus luteum or developing corpus luteum also, the animal would have been expressing in heat signs, it may be unnoticed also in such conditions when you perform rectal examination if you are finding both ovaries are smooth, then probably you can suspect it could be of True Anestrum, anyway, it is better to re-examine the animals after 10 days interval to re-confirm whether the ovary is smooth if suppose if it is not a True Anestrum, then after 10 days interval, you will be finding a prominent corpus luteum. If, suppose no prominent corpus luteum is there, then you can diagnose the condition as True Anestrum. Another method is Ultrasonography, as I said earlier, Ultrasonography is an accurate method in diagnosing the ovarian status of the animal. Small to developing follicles often you will be finding in True Anestrum, without corpus luteum.
These are all different animal images: (showing images) In this condition (1st image), you would be able to find multiple small follicles. Here (2nd image) you could able to find a medium-sized follicle is there, and Here (3rd image) this image, with all the different animals, you would be able to find almost a dominant follicle.
So we had seen in the classification of Pathological Anestrus, type 1(1st image), type 2(2nd image), and type 3(3rd image), according to the size of Emergence, Deviation, and Growth. This is a classical example, so in 1st image, you could able to find only mall follicles are there that is Emergence is happening, in the 2nd image you could able to find a medium-sized follicle it is growing but deviated so it is Deviation, the 3rd image you could be able to find a dominant follicle. Often the dominant follicle indicates the animal is in the estrum, but it is not. If CL is there, then only we can declare the animal is cyclic and in Anestrum, the follicle can even up to the size of 8 to 10 mm in diameter, which is normal in the case of Anestrum but there will not be any clinical signs of Anestrum. During estrum 8 mm follicles also can be able to secrete estrogen and better clinical signs of estrum can be noticed. So, this is small to developing follicles.
Another one is progesterone estimation. So, progesterone estimation the presence of basal level, which is 0.5 to 1 nanogram (0.5-1 ng/ml) of progesterone in the blood sample at an interval of 8 to 10 days up to examination, with confirmation diagnosed the animal has not entered into the period of the luteal phase, which is indicating the absence of estrum. If progesterone is being noticed in the blood circulation, then probably we can declare the animal is cyclic.
On two subsequent examinations of hormonal progesterone estimation at 8 to 10 days interval, it is showing less than one nanogram (< 1ng) is clear cut indicative of True Anestrum. The other one is Treatment, so when we recollect the etiological factors, the prime factor for causing True Anestrum is nutrition. so, the first thing is to improve the nutrition and supplement minerals.
So, improving nutrition in the sense, balanced nutrition, balanced nutrition is a rationalized one along with green fodder as well as dry fodder, so ad libitum green fodder, dry fodder is there it is preferable along with the rationalized balanced nutrition according to the status of the animal. In addition to that you need to supply a mineral supplementation, in addition, that you need to go for mineral supplementation. a patent preparation according to area-specific mineral mixture availability is there, so accordingly you can prefer that, and you can go for mineral supplementation. In addition to that, you need to go for managemental care under small farm conditions. So other management condition which includes, summer management, especially in case of buffalos, a summer Anestrum is very common, so the reason could be, during summer it causes suppression of GnRH released from the hypothalamus, heat stress cause suppression of GnRH released from the hypothalamus, in turn, the gonadotropins are also getting reduced and because of that the follicle is not developing properly hence estrous signs are being not properly exhibited, in summer condition how this can be clinically or very simple approach can be undertaken by means of going for water sprinkling and this video is showing a small farm condition which is having a water sprinkling for the period of around 15 to 20 minutes for around 3 to 4 times a day will definitely help in approaching summer infertility in case of buffalos.
So, the other one is treatment, again treatment includes Hormonal as well as Non-hormonal approaches. The first simple approach is a simple Utero-Ovarian massage. For example, in farm conditions, a simple Utero-Ovarian massage induces 40 percent estrum in Anestrum buffaloes, by means of palpating or massaging you are increasing the circulation to the gonads which results in expression of signs, development of the follicles, etc. So simple Utero-Ovarian massage results in the induction of estrum.
Another one is Lugol’s Iodine, intrauterine administration of Lugol’s Iodine, acts as an antiseptic, and also iodine supplementation provided by the Lugol’s Iodine results in good managemental practices to improve Infertility in Anestrous cows. Hormonal approaches: Hormonal approaches place very important and successful results, a simple approach is GnRH, Gonadotropins releasing hormone at the rate of 0.5 milligrams, can be repeated even after 10 days for the induction of estrum in Anestrum animals and GnRH analogs, like Buserelin, can be administered at the rate of 0.02 milligram as a total dose that can be administered intramuscularly, which results in induction of follicular growth and expression of heat signs.
Another one is Pregnant Mass Serum Gonadotropin (PMSG) or FSH was advised earlier but it is not recommended now because it can even cause superovulation or sometimes it can result in follicular cysts, because of its moral of life, etc. and because of that PMSG or FSH is not recommended recently. Another one is Short-term progestogens, either in the form of Controlled Internal Drug Release (CIDR) or Progesterone Releasing Intravaginal Devices (PRID) or along with ear implants that induce heat even in an anestrum animal. So CIDR, Progesterone Impregnated Intravaginal Device (PRID) in the form of a CIDR or vaginal sponge is highly effective in the case of True Anestrum animals.
So, another hormonal protocol which includes progesterone injection followed by hCG or a combination of Progesterone + PMSG + Estrogen is also recommended. Another one is Clomiphene Citrate: Clomiphene citrate at the dose rate of 300 milligrams, daily for five days drenched as a suspension, after drenching of copper sulphate (CuSO4) solution. So, when Clomiphene citrate can be used or then Progesterone therapy can be used? a simple approach, when you are diagnosing a True Anestrum with only multiple small follicles, then Progesterone therapy is more effective and when you are diagnosing the True Anestrum with medium to a dominant follicle then Clomiphene citrate seems to be very effective. So, we could be able to find more than 70% of the cases by means of Clomiphene citrate therapy resulting in induction of estrum, not only estrum, ovulation also it has been helped. Another one is Insulin Based therapy, which is the recent one, use of insulin for induction of estrum in animals either alone or in combination is a fairly recent development and results in encouragement. The recommended dose is 0.25 international units per kg (0.25 IU/KG) in a subcutaneous route. It helps in follicular development, follicular maturation which results in better expression of the estrum.
Another one is the Non-hormonal approach but a plant-based one, so recently ethnoveterinary practices have become very advanced or are currently being implemented in veterinary science also.
In that, the plants synthesize varieties of phytochemicals such as alkaloids, glycosides, terpenes, and tannins, as a part of their normal metabolic activity and many of these have therapeutic actions when consumed by the animals. For example, Moringa leaves, daily administration of a handful of Moringa lives for the period of 10 days, it supplies, it increases the mineral contribution, so it induces the follicle growth.
Another one is Kalonji leaves, kalonji seeds also can be administered. Another one is Ashoka leaves
Another one is in Bambusa arusa leaves. All these administration by means of oral, which has been proved in terms of follicular growth development.
So other commercial plant-based heat inducers which include Prajana (HS), Janova, and Himfertin, also have been shown to have successful results in the case of True Anestrum. The dose rate is 3 capsules per day for 2 days, then wait for 10 days, if heat signs are not noticed then you can probably repeat for the same dose.
So, coming to the Prevention protocol:
The First thing is you can maximize the appetite and after calving. Usually, after calving, the animal enters into the period of Anestrum and it is getting extended, when you are managing the nutritive status, then probably you could be able to prevent the Anestrum. Second thing is to provide a palatable well-balanced and highly digestible diet to allow cows to meet their nutritive balances and you improve or maintain the immune status of the animal which helps in preventing the disease. After parturition or during the transition, there is the possibility of increased nepha which in turn results in increased heat in the body’s production, in turn, it affects on entering into the period of Anestrum, if more ketone bodies are there, so you prevent that. Another one is to maintain minerals such as calcium and magnesium at and after calving. Animals must be maintained in a less stressful environment around parturition, so reduce the Weaning period, so here I would like to conclude one in Nutrition, another one is Management and the other one is Weaning. This management surrounding the periparturient, surrounding the transition period, surrounding the calving period, plays a very important role in inducing Anestrum during the postpartum period. So during calving or at the end of the gestation, we need to give extra cautious of the animal. So, what I want to conclude in Anestrum, two major things have to be approached: one is Anovulatory ovaries, the other one is an Ovulatory response. When we address Anovulatory ovaries and Ovulatory response, we can achieve success. These two contribute to Anestrum.
Anovulatory ovaries: Anovulatory ovaries can be addressed by means of going progesterone therapy in the form of CIDR, Vaginal sponge, etc., By means of going for a Progesterone therapy you can be able to expect better estrum in case of Anestrum animals then, By means of using LH or any GnRH you can be able to address the ovulatory response, there is no point in inducing estrum followed by without ovulation, so inducing estrum is equally important along with ovulatory responses. By means of using LH or GnRH, you are not only ensuring ovulation, but you are also ensuring the quality of corpus luteum because sometimes due to luteal insufficiency the animal may be repeating or implantation or subsequent pregnancy may not happen, that also can be overruled by means of using this LH, hence by means of using Progesterone therapy and LH you could be able to expect a better conception.
Hi friends! With this I am concluding this session on Anestrum, I guess this lecture would have been useful to you for application in your field practice. In case of any clarification, you can contact me on either mobile or with the email id mentioned here. So, thank you for the opportunity given.
Thank you all!