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4 Other Downers


Greetings to everyone so in the last lesson we have seen in detail about the metabolic disorders like hypocalcemia Hypophosphatemia, hypokalemia and how to identify and how to manage this type of Cases. in this lesson we will be seeing about the recumbent cows due to other etiological causes I mean downer due to other etiological causes. So, in this picture you can able to see the animal is recumbent and the animal is having you can able to easily appreciate the bilateral abdominal distension so the abdomen is bilateral they distension bilaterally and you have to think about whether the animal is pregnant or non-pregnant. So, if it is pregnant you have to think about Hydroallantois. So, you do the rectal examination you cannot able to palpate the fetus so it is a clear case of Hydroallantois so, you manage Accordingly. So, if it is a non-pregnant animal and if it is having bilateral abdominal distension then you think about retinitis so in this picture you can able to see the animal is having bilateral abdominal distension with the lateral kink of the neck, and lateral deviation of the head. Neck is there and it’s a non[1]pregnant animal the dung is not voider so it is a clear case of peritonitis. So, I will show you in the coming lesson how to do the Abdominocentesis, identify the peritonitis. So, in this picture you can able to see the bilateral abdominal distension and it’s also a case of peritonitis, recumbent cow due to peritonitis.

Here you can able to see the picture of Abdominocentesis. It’s a very important clinical examination the field condition to rule out peritonitis in cases of downer cows or whatever the standing animal or recumbent animal abdominocentesis is an important technique. Here you can simply see the video see this is the peritoneal fluid which is being collected from the abdominocentesis. See here the animal is the lateral recumbency from the xiphoid you go for the 5 centimeters 10 centimeters caudal 5 to 10 centimeters caudal and in the lower portion just apply the povidone iodine and insert the 18 gauge or 16 gauge needle so that you can able to clearly identify the Peritonitis. So, you can able to identify the free flow of peritoneal fluid from the abdomen so it is a clear case of Peritonitis. So, this cow is recumbent or downer due to Peritonitis. So, in such a cases the prognosis will be unfavorable but the diagnosis will be very easy for evaluating these cases.

So, in this picture you can able to see the bilateral abdominal distension is there on the rectal examination the animal is not the rectal examination there is no dung material in the rectum so it indicates that it’s a case of Ileus or intestinal abstraction. These are all the recumbent cows due to ileus or international abstraction and is acute abdomen this is also having bilateral abdominal distension and you are doing the rectal examination and evaluating whether the dung is present or not if there is no dung or a complete absence of dung it is a case of intestinal abstraction and in this case also you do the abdominocentesis and rule out peritonitis.

So, in this picture you can able to see the prolapse of the rectum and this is a clear case of ileus or intestinal abstraction. So, the recumbent the animal is recumbent due to intestinal Abstraction, so you have to manage accordingly. Here you have to go for fluid therapy and you have to maintain the case and you treat it accordingly. So you have to go for intestinal abstraction means so you have to go for surgical interventions. Here also this picture shows the bilateral abdominal distension and the complete absence of the dung and the rectal examination no dung material is present. So here also you can able to see the prolapse of the rectum in the case of ileus cases. These are all the downer cow due to ileus so, in the Rectal examination you can able to see the dung material whether it is scanty in nature or complete absence in nature. Scanty in nature indicates for stomach disorder, pellet dung indicates peritonitis and if it is a complete absence of the dung it is indicative of intestinal abstraction. So here you can able to appreciate in this picture the dark tarry colored dung is voided and it is indicative of Abomasal Ulcers This is a case of downer cow due to above Abomasal Ulcers. So you have to treat it accordingly for our Abomasal Ulcers. You have to go for pantoprazole iv preparations. Pantoprazole giving iv and fluid therapy and orally you can give magnesium oxide or magnesium carbonate 0.5 to 1 gram per kg body weight so that you can manage this type of cases, and this picture the animal is in the lateral recumbency and you can able to see the tail is away from the body and the animal is having a frequent pedalling will be there, frequent pedalling will be there here in this picture the tail is away from the body it is due to Botulism. Clostridium botulinum mostly the animals which are reared around the poultry farm area poultry farm premises most of the cases we use to get botulinum from the poultry farm area so because of the Clostridium botulinum because of the toxin produced, the preformed toxin is ingested and it causes placid paralysis. See here in this picture you can able to see because of the frequent pedalling you can able to see the semicircular drawing mark in the ground third is the classical sign of botulism. So, during the lateral recumbency the animal be having frequently having a pedalling of the limbs will be there and the semicircular drawing mark you can able to appreciate in case of botulism and also continuous salvation will be there, and the important thing is the abdominal respiration abdominal respiration is predominant.

So here you can able to appreciate the salivation in this picture because of botulism and the abdominal respiration is a predominant clinical sign for identifying the botulism cases, and some of the downer cows are due to Mastitis. Gangrenous mastitis are equally form Mastitis. the animal may go for Septicaemia the animal may go for downer so you have to manage the dower cow because of Mastitis with the fluid therapy accordingly so that you can manage these type of cases.

So, in this lesson we have seen about the factors various conditions of a downer cow due to other etiological factors like Peritonitis, traumatic reticular Peritonealises, ileus, intestinal abstraction and botulism. so, in the next class we will be seeing about the downer cows because of due to the musculoskeletal involvement and the management of the downer cow syndrome.

Thank you



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Management of Metabolic and Production Disorders in Cattle Copyright © 2023 by Commonwealth of Learning (COL) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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