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3. Principles and techniques of dryland horticulture


Hi friends. In the previous lecture we have studied about the alternate land use systems and also the models of alternate land use systems. In this lecture let us study the Principles and Techniques of Dryland Horticulture. It is gaining very much importance in the alternate land use systems. As you know uncertainties and scarcity conditions prevailing in the drylands, making the crop production not very profitable. So much this you will all know. So in those conditions the tree based cropping systems make a viable alternative. When the crop models doesn’t work in a way of producing profitable production, then in such cases this tree based systems will be a viable alternative. Among the tree based alternatives, this horticulture component offers the most promise towards the sustainable livelihoods in drylands. So crop production, whenever the crop production is not at all viable or it is not profitable. Then tree based component will be a viable alternative. Among the tree based, this horticultural component is seems to be a very promising in bringing stability of the dryland production.

What are the characteristics of rainfed horticulture crops? When we select a particular horticulture crop, in case of alternate land use systems or in drylands. What are the characteristics we should look for.

  • Deep rooted. We have to select a horticulture crop which is essentially deep rooted. Because why we have to select deep rooted crops. It could able to trap the moisture from the deeper layers of the soil, so that moisture extraction and also nutrient extraction will not become a problem.
  • The selected horticulture crop should be a perennial one. The perennial in the sense that it should have a perennial nature, and it should have all the drought tolerance. Then also it can withstand weather aberrations.
  • Then it is hardy and tolerant to adverse conditions. The selected horticulture crop. It should be hard and it should be tolerant to hardy conditions. What do you mean by hardy conditions? It may be a drought conditions. It may be a soil moisture deficit conditions. So the selected crop should be hard and should able to withstand the hard conditions.
  • Fourth one is maximum biomass production. Usually all the perennial crops including the horticulture crops. Tree crops, they will produce higher biomass. When we say higher biomass, and it will maintain the ecological balance also.
  • Then they have to produce thick and shiny leaves. And they should have a low water requirements. In addition to all this, the crop which should be selected. The horticulture crop, which should have thick and shiny leaves, because if you have a thick and shiny leaves, it can have a higher photosynthetic rate. And also it regulates water flow.
  • Then it should have a low water requirements. The selected horticulture crop should not demand higher amounts of water. It should have lower water requirements so as to fill in, so as to complete its life cycle.

So these are the characteristics, one should have while looking for a horticulture crop in dryland horticulture component.

Then coming to the advantages of rainfed horticulture crops. So we have selected horticulture crop. Now we are going to adopt to dryland horticulture. So what are the advantages due to this. The advantages in dryland horticulture is that.

  • Insurance against the field crop failure. Again whenever the field crop fails, the tree component or the horticulture crop is able to give some amount of returns, which can be considered as an insurance against the crop failure.
  • Then the second one is, supplies nutritious and balanced food. For the farmer’s family, all the horticulture crops whether they are vegetable, whether they are fruits, they are able to produce nutritious food to the farmer’s family. In a way they supply nutrition as well as balanced food.
  • Then third advantage is provides regular additional income. In addition to the returns which can be obtained from the crop component, these horticulture component also provides income. That means in addition to the crop they have a additional returns from the horticulture component. And compared to crop component, they give regular income.
  • And the fourth one is. It supplies raw materials for the ancillary industries. For many of the ancillary industries, the horticulture product will be a raw material. So for the sustenance of the ancillary industries, they depend upon these horticulture crops. So when these horticulture crops provide the ancillary industries the required raw material, the industry growth will also be there.
  • Next source of timber, fuel and manure. Some of the horticulture components, they not only serve as a timber, they also serve as a source of fuel, a source of manure. That means the horticulture crops are having multiple uses.
  • Earns foreign exchange. Some of the crops for example. Take for example mango. The some of the very much improved varieties, they have a very much export potential. In that way they also earning the foreign exchange.
  • Then also improves the environment and also the ecological balance. By virtue of their characteristics. By virtue of their plant characteristics, they also maintain ecological balance.

Coming to the horticulture based cropping systems. Which are all the horticulture based cropping systems?

  • Agri-Horti, in that mango + ber + custard apple, these can be followed along with the crop component; oilseeds, pulses, cereals. This agri-horti system which can yield mango, ber and custard apple.
  • And the second one is Silvi-Horti. In that casuarina + cashew can be grown.
  • In the Horti-Pastoral system, mango + fodder grasses can be grown.
  • In the Agri-Horti-Pastoral system, sapota, legumes and grasses can be grown.

So these are the different horticulture based cropping systems. Next which are all the crops suitable for dryland horticulture.

  • Among the fruits, it can be mango. It can be sapota, guava, ber, tamarind, custard apple, wood apple, jamun. Like that many fruit crops, which are very much adaptable to dryland conditions can be grown as a fruit crops.
  • Coming to the plantation. It is cashew. Cashew can be grown in the very degraded lands also. So it can be grown not only in the land capability classes 4. It can be grown beyond the group 4 also, because it is very much assumed as a dryland horticulture crop.
  • Then coming to the. Among the vegetables, drumsticks, curry leaf, tomato, chilli and cluster bean can be grown
  • The crops suitable for dryland horticulture. Among which aromatic crops can also be grown. These aromatic crops are lemon grass, citronella grass and khus grass. In addition to providing aromatic product, these grasses also arrest soil erosion, by binding action of the soil particles. When bind the soil particles together, the soil erosion can be arrested.
  • Next coming to the medicinal—periwinkle, vinca rosia it is called. It is also called as medicinal. And it is having medicinal properties. And it can also be profitably grown as a dryland horticulture crop.

So what are the dryland horticulture technologies.

  • Summer ploughing
  • Then timely planting with clonal material of high yielding varieties
  • Then planting along the contours
  • Raising root stocks and in-situ grafting
  • Preparation of wider basins
  • Then providing of mulch and shade
  • Formation of bunds and crescent bunds
  • Formation of farm ponds and recycling of water from the farm ponds
  • Then adoption of top working techniques
  • Then adopting multi-storied/mixed/ inter-cropping systems

These are all some of the dryland horticulture technologies. So we can conclude that

  • there is a tremendous scope for commercial cultivation of different horticulture crops in dryland areas. Whenever the crop component fails. We can adopt different crop components. There is a wide scope for adopting horticulture crops.
  • Then risks and uncertainties involved in the crop production in dryland areas can successfully overcome by adopting the dryland horticulture.
  • Then because of the inherent plant characteristics, best adopted or suited to dryland areas. Horticulture crops are most viable alternatives, when compared to next to the crops. The tree components, among the tree components, horticulture crop component can be decided; can be designated as best alternative.
  • Diversity found among horticulture crops with multi-purpose uses can be best utilized for effective utilization in drylands. Horticulture crops have a diversity of uses, typical uses. So such of the crops should be selected for the dryland horticulture.

With this I am closing this present lecture.

Thank You.



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