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Book Contents Navigation
1. Background on Value Engineering
2. Definition and Basic Terms
3. Types of Value
4. Why use Value Engineering?
5. Cost Reduction vs. Value Engineering
6. Value Engineering Exercise Session
1. Forming VE Team
2. The Job Plan
3. Function Definition
4. Function Analysis
5. Cost Analysis
6. Example on Function Definition Worksheet
1. Functional Analysis System Technique (FAST)
2. Functional Analysis System Technique (FAST) continued
3. Numerical Evaluation of Functions
4. Numerical Evaluation of Functions continued
5. Function Cost Matrix (FCM) and Value Improvement Potential (VIP)
6. Life Cycle Costing (LCC)
1. Innovation and Thinking
2. Creativity and Idea Generation
3. Brainstorming and Gordon Technique
4. Evaluation and Analysis
5. Decision Matrix
6. Evaluation
1. Sustainable Concepts - Part 1
2. Sustainable Concepts - Part 2
3. Basics of Life Cycle Costing
4. Life Cycle Costing Analysis
5. Presentation and Report
6. Project Facilitation and Oversight
1. Case 1: Harvest Basket, Information Phase
2. Case 1: Harvest Basket, Function and Creativity Phase
3. Case 1: Harvest Basket, Evaluation, Development and Implementation Phase
4. Case 2: Irrigation Strategies, Information and Function Phase
5. Case 2: Irrigation Strategies, Creativity and Evaluation Phase
6. Case 2: Irrigation Strategies, Presentation Phase, and Course Summary
PDF: Functional analysis system technique
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