Blended learning in focus
In order to make its relationship with each Commonwealth Member State more systematic and interactive, COL hosts regular Focal Points meetings. Each is designed to update its specific regions (Africa and Europe, Asia, the Caribbean, and the Pacific) on COL’s work in their region and the wider Commonwealth and to consult with them on regional and national priorities.
Focal Points — senior officials nominated by ministries of education — keep ministers briefed about COL’s work, provide guidance on country priorities and serve as important strategic resources. They also share invaluable information about open and distance learning (ODL) needs and priorities in different countries; provide advice and guidance; disseminate information about COL; and raise awareness about the benefits of ODL.
From December 2022 to February 2023, regional Focal Points meetings took place in New Delhi, India (Asia), Kingston, Jamaica (the Caribbean) and Mahé, Seychelles (Africa and Europe). In the meetings, the Focal Points considered their priorities in the context of COL’s strategic plan and results framework. The 2021–2027 strategic plan is based on three impact pathways: building national resilience, strengthening institutions and improving lives and livelihoods.
Some of the key developments of the last three years include the rise of self-directed learning, the continuation of improvements in connectivity and the persistence of digital technologies in education beyond Covid-19. The pandemic also revealed increased inequality, leading to learning losses among the disadvantaged. The new dimension of climate change means resilience must be built into all planning and curricular development.
The future of education is blended learning. This was a recurrent theme of discussions at the Focal Points meetings. In this issue, we cover news about the meetings, while also featuring COL’s recent work on blended learning.