Book Title: Creating Gender-Sensitive, Climate-Responsive, Sustainable Livelihoods to Build Self-Reliant, Resilient Local Economies

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Book Description: Gender inequality makes it more difficult to fight climate change. When women have the same opportunities as men, communities are better able to adapt to the impacts of climate change and build a more sustainable future. This course is designed for people who work with communities at the grassroots level.
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Book Description
Gender inequality makes it more difficult to fight climate change. When women have the same opportunities as men, communities are better able to adapt to the impacts of climate change and build a more sustainable future.
This course is designed for people who work with communities at the grassroots level. It:
- provides a comprehensive overview of gender-sensitive livelihoods and how to develop them;
- encourages people to share their own ideas about and experiences of gender-sensitive livelihoods;
- explores ways of designing livelihoods that are gender-sensitive and protect the natural environment to help communities become more resilient to climate change; and
- encourages people to come up with new ideas about how to protect the environment, reduce the effects of climate change and create jobs that will last into the future.
Creating Gender-Sensitive, Climate-Responsive, Sustainable Livelihoods to Build Self-Reliant, Resilient Local Economies Copyright © by Commonwealth of Learning (COL) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Development economics and emerging economies