3 False Anestrum Diagnosis and Treatment
Hi! Friends greetings,
In the last session, we were discussing False Anestrum and the etiological factors such as pregnancy, which seems to be a physiological factor for False Anestrum. The pathological factors such as Persistent corpus luteum, sub-estrum, etc., we have discussed. In continuation that we will be focusing today on the Diagnosis of False Anestrum, for any condition or any disease condition, Diagnosis plays a very important role, the reason behind this, unless we diagnose the condition correctly, our clinical intervention or therapeutic intervention may not be successful, hence we need to give more importance in diagnosis and for diagnosing the False Anestrum the diagnostic methods which include a basic History briefing by the farmer above the animal, the other one is clinical signs. Of course, for this condition, there will not be any clinical signs, that is the clinical signs which need to be understood by the farmer and it needs to be briefed. The other one is the Rectal examination, and the other one is Ultrasonography. There are only four methods, however endocrinology or assessing the hormones if it is required, then we may proceed or with simple rectal examination and ultrasound examination itself, we would be able to diagnose this condition in a very better way.
History: why is history important? Because Vets are not the person who is always present for the animal, a farmer is the only person who is available at the animal’s nearby station or nearby position to observe the clinical signs, so whatever the clinical signs are being exhibited it can be easily observed by the farmer and it can be briefed to the veterinarian which helps well in diagnosing what the condition could be. So, in history, based on the information such as failure of displaying of estrum or overt signs of estrum by the animal such as after attaining puberty or after postpartum two to three minutes. The farmer also should have basic ideas. For example, after puberty, the farmer is expecting the heifer should be showing clinical signs with a period of 18 to 21 Days or after the first cycle, if the animal is not showing any signs of estrum, that has to be observed by the farmer. Similarly, in the case of postpartum animals, the farmer has to at least observe the clinical signs after a waiting period of around 60 to 90 days, even after 90 days if the animal is not showing any clinical signs of estrum, then probably that has to be noticed by the farmer and it has to be acted accordingly. Often we can see the farmers waiting for the period of six months, eight months, nine months because their objective is only focusing on the lactation and they may be forgetting about the clinical signs. So at no more than 90 days, if the animal is not showing signs of estrum, it needs to be brought to the knowledge of the veterinarian.
The second one is Clinical signs, as we said earlier the definition itself says, there is the absence of overt signs of estrum, symptoms of estrus shown with cyclicity which subsequently ceased and revert into the period of estrus, the animal may show signs of estrum, after the period of more than 21 days or more than one month, if the animal is not showing signs of estrum, then that has to be noticed.
The next one is the Rectal Examination so when I say about the rectal examination, it is a basic or fundamental procedure for any veterinarian and moreover, it is a very simple technique to perform a gynecological examination, so rectal examination plays a vital role in the gynecological examination. So, in the rectal examination, you could able to find a mature CL in one of the ovaries and a flaccid uterus, which means that the animal is in the period of diestrum, so when you palpate the ovary, you could able to find a corpus luteum, then probably you could able to feel the crown of the corpus luteum, then probably it is in the period of diestrum, which is indicating the animal is cyclic. The problem is either it is not showing signs of estrum, or it is being missed or the second possibility is the uterus will be having mild tonicity. either there will be regressing CL with follicle or a developing CL, which is indicating the animal is in pro estrum or metestrus or sometimes estrum also. At all stages you would be able to find, either a prominent corpus luteum or a regressing or developing corpus luteum, which is indicating the ovaries functional, the problem is either there are no clinical signs or if it is showing clinical signs, it is being missed out. So, from the rectal examination, you would be able to easily find whether the ovary is functional or not.
The next thing is the examination of Postpartum anestrus cows at days 60 to 90 gives an idea about whether the animal is entered into the period of cyclicity or not. The permissible period is 60 to 90 days, after that, if there are no signs, perform a simple rectal examination and you will be able to find it. So, you would be able to find a prominent corpus luteum in the ovary, indicating the animal is cyclical.
So the next beautiful method of diagnosis is, by means of using Ultrasonography, so ultrasonography is considered to be the third eye for the gynecological person, by means of performing ultrasonography you would be able to exactly find the ovarian status of the animal. So what way is ultrasonography an advantage over the rectal examination? When you find that sometimes in the case of buffalos or sometimes in the case of cattle also, you were able to find ovaries with corpus luteum in a prominent way that means by rectal examination you were able to feel the crown but not in all the cases. Often in buffaloes, this CL will be embedded, which means that it will be buried inside or sometimes it is encapsulated, in such conditions your thumb finger may not be able to differentiate the crown of the corpus luteum, and often we will be diagnosing this as muthuri, in such condition ultrasonography plays a very important role in diagnosing accurately the condition of presence of corpus luteum. In this case, you could able to find the same animal the left ovary which is having multiple small follicles, the same animal, the right ovary is having, a prominent corpus luteum, with the help of the doppler mode we could able to find the boundary also very clearly if the size is more than 15mm in diameter then probably it is a prominent CL. Prominent CL can be noticed during the period of diestrus. I’ll show the video and this video clearly explains the presence of multiple small follicles in the ovary, you could able to find the left ovary is having a small follicle which is anechoic, fluid is anechoic, you could able to find only the presence of small follicles which is indicating the ovary smooth. Similarly, from the same animal, if you see the right ovary, you could able to find a hypoechoic boundary defined structure that is a corpus luteum and it measures more than 15 mm diameter and in this case, it is around 23.5 mm in diameter which is absolutely indicating the animal lesion period of diestrum because of its prominent corpus luteum. So, the other diagnostics with the help of an Ultrasound, if any uterine pathology is it you would be able to identify in a very easy way and probably here you would be able to find a condition of a mucometra, where the uterus is completely occupied by the fluid. Usually, in the case of non[1]pregnant animals, there should not be any uterine involvement but here you could able to find that the uterus is completely occupied by the very clear fluid, so which means that the uterus is occupied by the fluid either the ovary may be having a follicle with CL or without CL also. So uterine pathology, which is also a contributing factor for False Anestrum, can be diagnosed easily with the help of an ultrasound.
Next, let’s move on to the Treatment: so, understanding the basic principle diagnostic methods helpful in approaching the case with proper therapeutic intervention, the treatment protocols the first simple thing is educating the farmer are herdsmen. As I said earlier the farming community, there are subsequent changes in generations and more number of peoples have been engaged commercially, they may not be having a clear-cut idea on basic signs or basic estrous signs of an animal, hence the basic signs of the estrum animal has to be brief to the farmer such as estrous signs, which includes there may be a bellowing or the animal will be bit excited and drop in milk production, frequent urination in terms of buffaloes, the vulva may be bit swollen and a clear vaginal discharge, these are the simple signs can be briefed to the farmer for which they could able to identify the estrous signs in a better way. The second one is unobserved estrous, in unobserved estrous, mainly due to poor farm conditions, if the person is not involved properly then he may be skipping the estrous signs, they may be focusing usually in case of commercial farms, the laborers who are mainly involved in milking cleaning and all, so observation skills will be lacking. In such conditions we need to educate them to improve the management practices, a poor management condition also being a contributing factor in suppressing the expression of estrous signs, hence the farm conditions also have to be looked out by the veterinarian and accordingly suggestions have to be given. For example, with proper ventilation, proper feeding, etc. So increased regular observation thrice a day for estrous, for which we need to maintain the records, if suppose an animal is calved this month and accordingly a period after two to three minutes we need to give more importance or in case of the cyclical animal, if one cycle is being exhibited today after the period of 18 to 20- 21 days, we need to give more time in observing the animal whether the animal is exhibiting estrous signs or not. Another one is the provision of adequate lighting to improve the estrous detection and in case of the farm conditions, you can even try estrous detection. In other advanced conditions, probably you can go for teaser bulls in identifying the estrum in a larger group of animals or you can do a careful and frequent examination of the cows for predicting and confirming the estrum inbreeding, by means of maintaining records. A specific treatment using a prostaglandin or progesterone therapy and fixed-time artificial insemination is highly effective in approaching a case of False Anestrum and this hormonal or controlled breeding is separately discussed in another topic as Estrous Synchronization, so in that topic, you could able to understand what are all the different protocols which have been implemented in synchronizing the estrum as well as ovulation. But being a False Anestrum, a simple drug, if you’re diagnosing the ovaries having a functional or persistent corpus luteum, then the best therapeutic approach is by means of using prostaglandin-based treatment. Prostaglandin is a treatment of choice for persistent corpus luteum and inducing estrum. Natural or Synthetic analog of prostaglandin F2 Alpha (PGF2 Alpha) as a single dose has been used with a reasonable degree of success for the management of silent estrous cattle and buffaloes. You will be able to find the synthetic prostaglandin which contains Cloprostenol sodium, the total dose for synthetic one is 500 micrograms. Similar to other preparations of Natural prostaglandin, which contains Dinoprost tromethamine, the total dose is 25 milligrams. Both synthetic and natural prostaglandin can be given in intramuscular root, the other route is also there Intravulvar submucosal route, you can reduce the half dose. The intramuscular dose is easy to administer, and you would be able to find better success by using the prostaglandin[1]based approach.
So, coming to the end of the session and this session we have discussed what is False Anestrum and the diagnosis by different methods which includes History, Clinical science the most important thing is Rectal examination and Ultrasonography and followed by the treatment protocols according to the type of an Anestrum. For example, if it is in managemental error, accordingly we need to be addressed. There are two different methods, one is the Management method and the other one is the Hormonal method. In the case of hormonal methods, the best drug of choice is prostaglandin and accordingly synchronization protocols can be adapted to successfully approach this condition and we will continue in the next session with True Anestrum.
Thank you.